Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sept. 12

Hello all and thanks for the comments and emails.  This is a very interesting, I would not say exciting, adventure. I took a malaria pill last night and had the ¨vivid¨dreams they cautioned us about.  I was lying there under my mosquito netting, the power was out, the Senora had just said it was ¨muy peligroso¨( I later found out that she was talking about walking on the slippery sidewalk in the dark but I thought she was talking about it being ¨muy peligroso ¨because it was dark and all outdoor lighting was out.  Anyhow, I started having dreams of an emergency of some sort and not being able to explain what I needed or where I wanted to go.   Obviously, it all passed and I amanacioed just fine ( that means got up)  They have a wonderful greeting, which they also had in C.Rica upon rising , Como amanacio  ? which loosely translates to ¨how was your awakening¨?¨ We had two days of training in Managua last week and will have two more this week.  The other days we have Spanish classes, 7 hrs. a day, and usually homework which requires us to talk with locals and gain some sort of info.  The locals are very nice about the whole thing,  and patient.  We have made friends with a taxista who drives a yello minibus with ¨TURBO¨ on it so we know its him. His woman rides with him and she is very very nice.  When they see any of standing around looking lost or panicked, they stop and offer us rides.  Its 5 cordobas ( 21 cordobas to a dollar) to the next town which is very very authentic and busy.  It has a huge mercado with aisles that barely let two people  pass so I have a death grip on my mochilla ( backpack for your gringos) when I pass thru there.  On the days we go to
Managua, we all meet ( 22 of us, 4 in each town) in the centro to get the PC transport to Managua.  Its looks a lot more challenging than it really is - mucho rubio and perros and caballos, etc.  I have to go or my Senora will worry about me.  I loaded the software for itunes onto this computer and I think I have to shut it down and restart it for it to work and I can´t explain all that to the owner of this cyber so I´ll just have to sign off now and try to come back tomorrow once it has been restarted to see if I cna get itunes.  I really miss Rachel Maddow´s take on everything.  We watched international news a little yesterday but it was in Spanish and it only had the  US mosque controversy coverage.   I am sure there was more, but I didn´t get it.  Love to my sweet grandchildren who I miss so much.  Love to you all.


  1. Hi Aunt Pat, I am really enjoying reading your blog entries! Keep them coming as often as you can. I think a lot of my high school Spanish is coming back to me and also learning a lot in the process. Stay safe and well and let us know if we can do anything for you here. :) Love,

  2. Hi Pat, Well, it sounds like you are adapting very well to your new zone. Tico and Elle are doing great and adapting to their new homes just fine. It is so nice to hear about your experiences. Write as much as you can. We heard from a neighbor that you can send small packages to Peace Corps Volunteers in Central American countries if you address the box "La Iglesia de Santa Patricia" and put lots of cute religious stickers on the box. Supposedly no one will mess with it. I thought that was clever. If you need anything, please let us know. We would love to send contributions to the "Church of Pat".
    Learn lots, have fun, and use your Steri-Pen!
    Love ya!
    Wren, Rich, Tico, Cash, Monroe and Elle.

  3. Hi there Pat! So glad you're doing well and seem to be enjoying your new adventure. Just think how proficient in Spanish you'll be by the time I come to visit. I like the phrase "como amanacio" -- I'm going to use it. Keep writing in Spanish so we can learn as we read your posts. Glad to hear your pets are fine, I'm sure you miss them. Keep an eye out for potential vacation spots we can go to when you finally get your time off.

    Adios, mi amiga!

  4. Hi Pat, I'm sooo much enjoying your blog! It is fabulous that you can share your experiences with everyone like this. About the backpack in the mercado -- my backpack was slashed at the market one time. I was completely oblivious to it until I took it off later. A real bummer. A frontpack would be better. Hasta luego! Ellen
