We leave next Wednesday for a "cultural" trip which will be to the coast. My host family tells me it is very hot there and they just smile and shake their heads..it must be hot. We started taking malaria meds in preparation for leaving on Wednesday morning and will be gone three nights. I went to Cumbaya with a couple other volunteers this afternoon. It was nice....very gringo. We met a couple Mormom missionaries on the bus coming home. They had not heard of Peace Corps so I told them to go home and Google it. Of course, they were very nice young elders.
Here are a couple random photos.
I forgot to add this one last time. There is a famous artist here, Guyasamin. This whole pavilion, located at El Mitad del Mundo, is dedicated to his work. |
My crew, well half of my crew, waiting for a bus at Quitumbe, one of the bus stations. We had been sent on sort of a scavenger hunt to use the bus system... We made it back safely so I guess we all won. |
This is one of the little perritas that lives here. He has something in his mouth but can you believe those eyes. His name is Bambucha. |
They call this a Frankenstein. It is a hot water heater and its very efficient. Obviously, it only heats the water for the shower since they use cold water for everything else, but it works....its sort of amazing and i have not heard of anyone getting electrocuted. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Love to all,
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