Could hardly wait to get home to post this. I took a little trip into Quito today, to visit my host family's restaurant among other things and it was a very rewarding trip. First of all, their bus station is so so so organizado !!!!!!!!!!! I was so impressed. People actually stood in lines and calmly filed into the buses. Also, on my way to the restaurant, I saw something I had heard about. The government shuts down a major thru way, Avenida de 10 de Augosto, for 50 blocks....50 that the gente ( thats all of us) can ride our bikes, walk our dogs or kids, run, walk whatever , sin autos for 50 cuadras !!! Why doesn't every city do that ????? I can hardly wait to get out there myself and I'm told there are places to rent bikes. On my way back into Nayon, I discovered the many flower shops are open on Sunday and there are not so many people to get in the way of my photos so I was able to take some pictures which are attached. I had a little lunch in the restaurant, which is very very nice and chatted with a sweet girl who wants to be an azafata when she grows up...that's flight attendant. She is 11 and so so sweet..dimples and everything. So, here are some photos.
It was hard to take a photo from the bus but this is part of the highway that is closed for bikers etc. I tried to get a dog, a baby and a bicycle. |
Interior of the family restaurant |
Another interior shot.....very very nice. |
And there is that sweet little girl. |
This is the lovely salad she served me with the potato soup and a plate of rice, frijoles and cueso fresa (fresh cheese) I think that means not aged. It is delicious, whatever it means. |
The outside of the restaurant...very humilde ( humble) looking and so nice inside. They serve typical Ecuadoran food altho she told be to come back next weekend and she would make me Mexican tortillias. |
Each of the garden shots is of a different tienda ( shop) along the main road coming into Nayon. |
A few of the other aspirantes ( trainees) and one dog from his host home. This is the corner of the main park in the town. There was a baptism in the church in front of the park and apparently there was a party planned afterwards but I did not go...nor was I invited. |
The Nayon city park |
The catholic church fronting on the park. We stuck our heads inside and it is beautiful, it was full and the baptism was underway. |
A view of the bus looks deserted but I am told that on weekdays, it is lleno ( full) But, today it was oh so tranquillo ( calm) and so clean...beautiful. And we stood in orderly lines. What a pleasure. |
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