Monday, February 28, 2011

You have to see this

One of my schools has a special education class so ofcourse I am involved with those kids.  I walked in today to this scene.  This "student" is in his forties and once they are in a special ed class as children, they are welcome forever.  At first I was shocked and somewhat offended that this old guy would be in the class with the younger kids but....turns out its really very sweet.  There are no other programs in town for handicapped adults so this is his day program.  There is a girl in her 20s and she fits in fine too.  She actually does some nurturing of some of the younger ones. 

In this photo, the teacher is giving this guy a pretty good haircut and in the background you can see some dishes....the families take turns making and bringing in comida each day.  The state provides frijoles, rice, oatmeal ( for a drink) and cooking oil and the families take turns cooking and bringing in the food each day.  Each kid has to bring his own trastes ( dish and spoon or fork , there are actually very very few forks in use) each day and the teacher has the responsibility of serving the food.  It is a pretty good system...the only problem I see is that near the end of the school year they usually run out of food and the kids just go without...I think thats pretty hard on some of them..

Just wanted to share this moment.   tomorrow I am taking about 40 kids out to see the town dump.  Trash here is a huge problem....even the teachers didn''t know there was a town dump... guess the just thought the trash just I am going to spend a lot of time teaching the kids about trash, reduce, reuse, recycle....we' ve already had about 8 plastic bottle pickup days and have not really made a dent in whats lying around town.  Lots of projects......thats good.

The other picture is two little kids that were helping me pick up trash in the park....sooo cute. 

More later

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