Saturday, October 15, 2011

Some explaining...but worth it...I think

OK, this will take some explaining but I think it will be worth it.

In Leon, the houses are built in the european style  with the door flush with the sidewalk but when you get  inside you see an interior courtyard, sometimes with a lower and upper level, sometimes very charming with palm trees, hammocks, banana trees, etc.

Anyhow, on the street all you see is a flat door and its usually pretty dull.  Sometimes, a few feet past  the entry door is a wider door which is where they drive their car in, over the sidewalk and into a part of the house that is used like a "garage." ( garaje in spanish)

The point I am trying to make, is that from the sidewalk, all you see is an entry door and then a few feet away, another wide door for the car to enter.   Often, I have seen a sign posted on the wider door  NO ESTACIONMENTE...meaning   NO PARKING.  Obviously this is done so one parks in front o the door and the homeowners can get their car in and out.

Well, today, I was walking along a sidewalk past an entry door and then I came to the wider door and spotted the sign posted  " GARAGE SALE"  Someone had added in marker " carro" which means car) I Think think think to myself, why does that sign seem so weird ?

Finally, I got it.  There is nothing for "sale."  Sale is the Spanish word for "leave".  So I figure someone saw this sign somewhere and figured it meant, " this is a garaje and the car might need to "sale" -leave !!!  Isn't that the cutest ?

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