Sunday, May 8, 2011

Another probable last post

For some reason I was having trouble editing that last post, so I just went ahead and published it and will correct it here.  I am not sure they have any physical therapists in Leon, the city near me.  I googled it and could not find any sooo....I guess Managua would be my only option for physical therapy over here and they would not let me be away from my site that, I would not want to be riding the bus a couple times a week to Managua especially if I had to protect my shoulder/arm in any special manner.

So, altho nothing is final for 45 days, it does not look good for me.  My only hope is that I really don't have a tear and that the first doc was right and its only a couple bones rubbing each other and that they can handle that some other way.  I am very curious as to why the first doc could not see a tear when the second doc makes it sound very obvious.  I will  want to have a second opinion on that for sure. You know that saying about how when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail..... well,  I don't want to get caught up in that kind of a mess.

Nici, my kitty had two babies a week and 1/2 ago and I have found another volunteer in Jinotega who wants the momma and the babies so that is a really great stroke of luck.  Next Saturday,   I will take them in a box on my lap for a 2 hour bus ride to Esteli where the other vol will come to meet us from her site, 1 hour away, in Jinotega.  Jinotega is much cooler, higher in the mountains, than down here so I feel like Nici will enjoy it there.

I will really miss these beautiful children, I'll post some more photos of them.  It is so easy to please them by simply returning a smile or a hug, holding their paper still so they can erase something , picking up a pencil that they dropped, they are so grateful for any little consideration.  It was so easy to make a difference in their day.  I really loved my English classes....the kids are so enthusiastic, I often had 30 kids show up for an hour after school to speak a little English with me.

I am going to wear my arm in a sling next week so the kids will be a little better able to understand that I have something wrong with me.  Otherwise, I look pretty healthy and they might not believe me or understand why I have to go. 

That should do it for me....if I should happen to be able to return to Nicaragua and Malpaisillo, I'll post a blog for sure.
"Hasta la vista baby !!!"

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